Википедия — эркенаб энциклопедия сайталдасан материал
Birth, death and age templates
birth, death, age
Combined BDA template Description / use
{{ BirthDeathAge }} Combines functions of {{Birth date}}, {{birth-date}}, {{birth date and age}}, {{birth year and age}}, {{death date}}, {{death-date}}, {{death date and age}}, and {{death year and age}}.
Birth templates Description / use
{{ Birth date }} To display a birth date and related hidden metadata.
{{ Birth-date }}
{{ Birth date and age }} {{Birth date}} with suffix '(age N )'.
{{ Birth date and age2 }} {{Birth date and age}} plus age as of a specified date.
{{ Birth-date and age }} As {{Birth date and age}} , but accepts dates in text form ('15 June 1950', 'June 15, 1950', 'June 1950', etc).
{{ Birth year and age }} Year of birth and approximate age.
{{ Birth based on age as of date }} To display approximate birth year and current age given a particular date (e.g. when a dated reference mentions the age of a person), only works for living people.
{{ Birth based on age at death }} To display approximate birth year based on age at death, or on age at a specific date if death date isn't known.
Death templates Description / use
{{ Death date }} To display a death date and related hidden metadata.
{{ Death-date }}
{{ Death date and age }} {{Death date}} with suffix '(aged N )'; also called with {{event date and age}} .
{{ Death-date and age }} As {{Death date and age}} , but accepts dates in text form ('15 June 1950', 'June 15, 1950', 'June 1950', etc).
{{ Death date and given age }} To display a death date and specified age.
{{ Death year and age }} To display a year of, and approximate age at death.
age only
Reverse-determined age template Description / use
{{ Age }} Age based on number of complete years between two dates.
{{ Age nts }} {{Age}} with output formatted for use in number sortable tables .
{{ Age as of date }} Current age (in years) from a known age at a specified date.
{{ Age for infant }} Current age for infant: months and days up to one year, years and months up to three years, and years beyond age 3.
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