Паранс революция
Паранс революция ялъуни КӀудияб паранс революция (паранс: Révolution française, абул куц [ʁevɔlysjɔ̃ fʁɑ̃sɛːz]) букӀана Франсиялда радикалиял политикиялги социалалги трансформациязул период, жибги байбихьараб 1789 соналъул Генералиял штатаздаса ва лӀугӀараб 1799 соналъул новембералда Паранс консулат гӀуцӀигун. Гьелъул гӀемерисел идеяби рикӀкӀуна либералаб демократиялъул фундаменталал принципаллъун,[1] liberté, égalité, fraternité (эркнелъи, ращалъи, вацлъи) гӀадал лозунгал раккана цогидал революцияздаги, 1917 соналъул гӀурус революция гӀадал,[2] ва гьез гъира базабулеб букӀана лагълъи хвезабиялъе ва рищиязе ихтияразе гӀоло гьарулел рукӀарал кампаниязе.[3] Гьеб революциялдалъун рижарал къиматал ва институлал жакъа къоязги руго бетӀерлъулел паранс сиясаталда.[4]
Революциялъул гӀиллабилъун, гӀаммаб пикруялда рекъон, ккола жамгӀиял, сиясиял ва экономикиял факторал, жал рорхизе кӀолеб хӀалалда букӀараб режим батичӀел.1789 соналъул маялда гӀатӀид тӀиритӀарал жамгӀиял балагьаз рачана Генералиял эстатал ахӀиялде, жал юналда Миллияб ассамблеялде хисизаруарал. Давамлъулел рукӀарал гӀадлу хвеял ахирлъана 14 юналда Бастилиялде гьужумалдалъун, гьелъ бачана Ассамблеялъ радикалиял тадбирал гьабиялде, гьезда гъорлӀ феодализм хвезаби, Франсиялда католикияб килисаялда тӀад пачалихъияб контрол билӀинаби ва рищиязул ихтиярал гӀатӀид гьари.
Хадусеб лъабго сон букӀана гъорлӀ босун сиясияб контролалъе гӀоло унеб къеркьеялъулӀ, жиндир ватӀанчилъиял гъалмагъираз ва экономикияб депрессиялъ хӀалбиххизабураб. Австрия, КӀудияб Британия ва Пруссия гӀадал къватӀисел пачалихъаз гьабулеб букӀараб дандехӀалтӀиялъ бачана 1792 соналъул априлалда паранс революциониял рагъал байбихьиялде. XVI Людовикидаса ракӀбуссиндал, 1792 соналъул 22 септембералда гӀуцӀана ТӀоцебессеб Паранс республика ва гьелдаса хадув, 1793 соналъул январалда, Людовик чӀвазе къотӀана. Юналда Парижаджа ккараб дандерахъиналъ Миллияб ассамблеялда бетӀерлъи ккун рукӀарал жирондинал хисана Максимилиан Робеспьерил нухмалъиялда гъоркь бугеб ЖамгӀияб хӀинкъибукӀунгутӀияб комитеталдалъун.
Гьеб сабаблъана контер-ревоолюционерал тӀагӀинариялъе хӀалбихьи гӀадин терроралъул къиралат лъеялъе; 1794 соналъул юлалда гьеб лӀугӀараб заманалде Парижалда ва провинциязда чӀвазе къотӀана 16 600-ялдаса цӀикӀкӀун чи. Жиндирго къватӀисел тушбабигун гуребги, Республика дандчӀвана роялистазул гӀадинго якобиназулги жанисеб оппозициягун, ва гьеб хӀинкъи нахъчӀвазейин хӀакимлъуде бачӀана Паранс директория 1795 новембералда. Рагъулал бергьенлъаби рукӀаниги, жидер гӀемерисел Наполеон Бонапартица ккурал, сиясиял дандеккунгутӀабазул ва экономикияб стангнациялъул хӀасилалда 1799 соналъул новембералда Директория хисана Консулаталъ. ГӀемерисеб гьебги рикӀкӀуна революционияб периодалъул ахирлъун.
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Хераб режималъул кризис
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Конституционияб монархия (юл 1789 — септембер 1789)
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]ТӀоцебесеб Республика
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Директория (1975–1799)
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Паранс революциониял рагъал
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Франсиялъул колониалияб сиясат
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Медиа ва симболизм
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Руччабазул рол
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Экономикияб сиясат
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Халат-болжалаб асар
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Тариххъвай
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Ралагье гьединго
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Баянкьелал
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]МугъчӀваял
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]- ^ Livesey 2001, гь. 19.
- ^ Shlapentokh 1996, гьл. 61–76.
- ^ Desan, Hunt & Nelson 2013, гьл. 3, 8, 10.
- ^ Fehér 1990, гьл. 117–130.
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- Soboul, Albert (1977). A short history of the French Revolution: 1789–1799. Geoffrey Symcox. University of California Press, Ltd. ISBN 978-0-520-03419-8.
- Soper, J. Christopher; Fetzer, Joel S (2003). "Explaining the accommodation of Muslim religious practices in France, Britain, and Germany". French Politics. 1 (1): 39–59. doi:10.1057/palgrave.fp.8200018. S2CID 145008815.
- Spang, Rebecca (2003). "Paradigms and Paranoia: How modern Is the French Revolution?". American Historical Review. 108 (1). doi:10.1086/ahr/108.1.119.
- Stewart, John (1951). A Documentary Survey of the French revolution. Macmillan.
- Sutherland, D. M. G. (2002). "Peasants, Lords, and Leviathan: Winners and Losers from the Abolition of French Feudalism, 1780–1820". The Journal of Economic History. 62 (1): 1–24. JSTOR 2697970.
- Tackett, Timothy (2003). "The Flight to Varennes and the Coming of the Terror". Historical Reflections / Réflexions Historiques. 29 (3): 469–493. JSTOR 41299285.
- Tackett, Timothy (2004). When the King Took Flight. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-01642-2.
- Tackett, Timothy (2011). "Rumor and Revolution: The Case of the September Massacres" (PDF). French History and Civilization. 4.
- Thompson, J.M. (1959). The French Revolution. Basil Blackwell.
- Thompson, J.M. (1952). Robespierre and the French Revolution. The English Universities Press. ISBN 978-0340083697.
- Tilly, Louise (1983). "Food Entitlement, Famine, and Conflict". The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 14 (2): 333–349. doi:10.2307/203708. JSTOR 203708.
- Tombs, Robert; Tombs, Isabelle (2007). That Sweet Enemy: The French and the British from the Sun King to the Present. Random House. ISBN 978-1-4000-4024-7.
- Vardi, Liana (1988). "The Abolition of the Guilds during the French Revolution". French Historical Studies. 15 (4): 704–717. doi:10.2307/286554. JSTOR 286554.
- Wasson, Ellis (2009). A History of Modern Britain: 1714 to the Present. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1-4051-3935-9.
- Weir, David (1989). "Tontines, Public Finance, and Revolution in France and England, 1688–1789". The Journal of Economic History. 49 (1): 95–124. doi:10.1017/S002205070000735X. JSTOR 2121419.
- White, Eugene Nelson (1995). "The French Revolution and the Politics of Government Finance, 1770–1815". The Journal of Economic History. 55 (2): 227–255. doi:10.1017/S0022050700041048. JSTOR 2123552.
- Woronoff, Denis (1984). The Thermidorean regime and the directory: 1794–1799. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-28917-7.
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Ингилис мацӀалда:
ЦӀех-рех ва баянал
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]- Andress, David, ed. The Oxford Handbook of the French Revolution (Oxford University Press, 2015). excerpt, 714 pp; 37 articles by experts
- Aulard, François-Alphonse. The French Revolution, a Political History, 1789–1804 (4 vol. 1910); famous classic; volume 1 1789–1792 online; Volume 2 1792–95 online
- Azurmendi, Joxe (1997). The democrats and the violent. Mirande's critique of the French Revolution. Philosophical viewpoint. (Original: Demokratak eta biolentoak, Donostia: Elkar ISBN 978-84-7917-744-7).
- Ballard, Richard. A New Dictionary of the French Revolution (2011) excerpt and text search
- Bosher, J.F. The French Revolution (1989) 365 pp
- Davies, Peter. The French Revolution: A Beginner's Guide (2009), 192 pp
- Gershoy, Leo. The French Revolution and Napoleon (1945) 585 pp
- Gershoy, Leo. The Era of the French Revolution, 1789–1799 (1957), brief summary with some primary sources
- Gottschalk, Louis R. The Era of the French Revolution (1929), cover 1780s to 1815
- Hanson, Paul R. The A to Z of the French Revolution (2013)
- Hanson, Paul R. Historical dictionary of the French Revolution (2015) online
- Jaurès, Jean (1903). A Socialist History of the French Revolution (2015 ред.). Pluto Press. ISBN 978-0-7453-3500-1.; inspiration for Soboul and Lefebvre, one of the most important accounts of the Revolution in terms of shaping perspectives;
- Jones, Colin. The Longman Companion to the French Revolution (1989)
- Jones, Colin. The Great Nation: France from Louis XV to Napoleon (2002) excerpt and text search
- McPhee, Peter, ред. (2012). A Companion to the French Revolution. Wiley. ISBN 978-1-118-31641-2.
- Madelin, Louis. The French Revolution (1916); textbook by leading French scholar. online
- Paxton, John. Companion to the French Revolution (1987), 234 pp; hundreds of short entries.
- Popkin, Jeremy D. A Short History of the French Revolution (5th ed. 2009) 176 pp
- Popkin, Jeremy D (1990). "The Press and the French Revolution after Two Hundred Years". French Historical Studies. 16 (3): 664–683. doi:10.2307/286493. JSTOR 286493.
- Scott, Samuel F. and Barry Rothaus, eds. Historical Dictionary of the French Revolution, 1789–1799 (2 vol 1984), short essays by scholars vol. 1 online Archived 2020-05-05 at the Wayback Machine; vol 2 online
- Sutherland, D.M.G. France 1789–1815. Revolution and Counter-Revolution (2nd ed. 2003, 430 pp excerpts and online search from Amazon.com
Европияб ва атлантикияб тарих
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]- Amann, Peter H., ed. The eighteenth-century revolution: French or Western? (Heath, 1963) readings from historians
- Brinton, Crane. A Decade of Revolution 1789–1799 (1934) the Revolution in European context
- Desan, Suzanne, et al. eds. The French Revolution in Global Perspective (2013)
- Fremont-Barnes, Gregory. ed. The Encyclopedia of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars: A Political, Social, and Military History (ABC-CLIO: 3 vol 2006)
- Goodwin, A., ed. The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. 8: The American and French Revolutions, 1763–93 (1965), 764 pp
- Palmer, R.R. "The World Revolution of the West: 1763–1801," Political Science Quarterly (1954) 69#1 pp. 1–14 Халип:JSTOR
- Palmer, Robert R. The Age of the Democratic Revolution: A Political History of Europe and America, 1760–1800. (2 vol 1959), highly influential comparative history; vol 1 online Archived 2012-05-13 at the Wayback Machine
- Rude, George F. and Harvey J. Kaye. Revolutionary Europe, 1783–1815 (2000), scholarly survey excerpt and text search
Сиясат ва рагъал
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]- Andress, David. The terror: Civil war in the French revolution (2006).
- ed. Baker, Keith M. The French Revolution and the Creation of Modern Political Culture (Oxford, 1987–94) vol 1: The Political Culture of the Old Regime, ed. K.M. Baker (1987); vol. 2: The Political Culture of the French Revolution, ed. C. Lucas (1988); vol. 3: The Transformation of Political Culture, 1789–1848, eds. F. Furet & M. Ozouf (1989); vol. 4: The Terror, ed. K.M. Baker (1994). excerpt and text search vol 4
- Blanning, T.C.W. The French Revolutionary Wars 1787–1802 (1996).
- Desan, Suzanne. "Internationalizing the French Revolution," French Politics, Culture & Society (2011) 29#2 pp. 137–60.
- Doyle, William. Origins of the French Revolution (3rd ed. 1999) online edition Archived 2012-05-13 at the Wayback Machine
- Englund, Steven. Napoleon: A Political Life. (2004). 575 pp; emphasis on politics excerpt and text search
- Fremont-Barnes, Gregory. The French Revolutionary Wars (2013), 96 pp; excerpt and text search
- Griffith, Paddy. The Art of War of Revolutionary France 1789–1802, (1998); 304 pp; excerpt and text search
- Hardman, John. Louis XVI: The Silent King (2nd ed. 2016) 500 pp; much expanded new edition; now the standard scholarly biography; (1st ed. 1994) 224; older scholarly biography
- Schroeder, Paul. The Transformation of European Politics, 1763–1848. 1996; Thorough coverage of diplomatic history; hostile to Napoleon; online edition Archived 2012-05-13 at the Wayback Machine
- Wahnich, Sophie (2016). In Defence of the Terror: Liberty or Death in the French Revolution (Reprint ред.). Verso. ISBN 978-1-78478-202-3.
Экономика ва жамгӀият
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]- Anderson, James Maxwell. Daily life during the French Revolution (2007)
- Andress, David. French Society in Revolution, 1789–1799 (1999)
- Kennedy, Emmet. A Cultural History of the French Revolution (1989)
- McPhee, Peter. "The French Revolution, Peasants, and Capitalism," American Historical Review (1989) 94#5 pp. 1265–80 Халип:JSTOR
- Tackett, Timothy, "The French Revolution and religion to 1794," and Suzanne Desan, "The French Revolution and religion, 1795–1815," in Stewart J. Brown and Timothy Tackett, eds. The Cambridge History of Christianity vol. 7 (Cambridge UP, 2006).
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]- Dalton, Susan. "Gender and the Shifting Ground of Revolutionary Politics: The Case of Madame Roland." Canadian journal of history (2001) 36#2
- Godineau, Dominique. The Women of Paris and Their French Revolution (1998) 440 pp 1998
- Hufton, Olwen. "Women in Revolution 1789–1796" Past & Present (1971) No. 53 pp. 90–108 Халип:JSTOR
- Hufton, Olwen. "In Search of Counter-Revolutionary Women." The French Revolution: Recent debates and New Controversies Ed. Gary Kates. (1998) pp. 302–36
- Kelly, Linda. Women of the French Revolution (1987) 192 pp. biographical portraits or prominent writers and activists
- Landes, Joan B. Women and the Public Sphere in the Age of the French Revolution (Cornell University Press, 1988) excerpt and text search
- Melzer, Sara E., and Leslie W. Rabine, eds. Rebel daughters: women and the French Revolution (Oxford University Press, 1992)
- Proctor, Candice E. Women, Equality, and the French Revolution (Greenwood Press, 1990) online Archived 2017-07-06 at the Wayback Machine
- Roessler, Shirley Elson. Out of the Shadows: Women and Politics in the French Revolution, 1789–95 (Peter Lang, 1998) online
Тариххъвай ва мемуарал
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]- Andress, David. "Interpreting the French Revolution," Teaching History (2013), Issue 150, pp. 28–29, very short summary
- Censer, Jack R. "Amalgamating the Social in the French Revolution." Journal of Social History 2003 37(1): 145–50. online
- Cox, Marvin R. The Place of the French Revolution in History (1997) 288 pp
- Desan, Suzanne. "What's after Political Culture? Recent French Revolutionary Historiography," French Historical Studies (2000) 23#1 pp. 163–96.
- Furet, François and Mona Ozouf, eds. A Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution (1989), 1120 pp; long essays by scholars; strong on history of ideas and historiography (esp pp. 881–1034 excerpt and text search
- Furet, François. Interpreting the French revolution (1981).
- Germani, Ian, and Robin Swayles. Symbols, myths and images of the French Revolution. University of Regina Publications. 1998. ISBN 978-0-88977-108-6
- Geyl, Pieter. Napoleon for and Against (1949), 477 pp; summarizes views of major historians on controversial issues
- Hanson, Paul R. Contesting the French Revolution (2009). 248 pp.
- Kafker, Frank A. and James M. Laux, eds. The French Revolution: Conflicting Interpretations (5th ed. 2002), articles by scholars
- Kaplan, Steven Laurence. Farewell, Revolution: The Historians' Feud, France, 1789/1989 (1996), focus on historians excerpt and text search
- Kaplan, Steven Laurence. Farewell, Revolution: Disputed Legacies, France, 1789/1989 (1995); focus on bitter debates re 200th anniversary excerpt and text search
- Kates, Gary, ed. The French Revolution: Recent Debates and New Controversies (2nd ed. 2005) excerpt and text search
- Lewis, Gwynne. The French Revolution: Rethinking the Debate (1993) online Archived 2020-08-20 at the Wayback Machine; 142 pp.
- McPhee, Peter, ред. (2012). A Companion to the French Revolution. Wiley. ISBN 978-1-118-31641-2.; 540 pp; 30 essays by experts; emphasis on historiography and memory
- Reichardt, Rolf: The French Revolution as a European Media Event, European History Online, Mainz: Institute of European History, 2010, retrieved: 17 December 2012.
- Ross, Steven T., ed. The French Revolution: conflict or continuity? (1971) 131 pp; excerpt from historians table of contents
Тарихиял иццал
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]- Anderson, F.M. (1904). The constitutions and other select documents illustrative of the history of France, 1789–1901. The H. W. Wilson company 1904., complete text online
- Burke, Edmund (1790). "Reflections on the Revolution in France". The Physics Teacher. 25 (2): 72. Bibcode:1987PhTea..25...72F. doi:10.1119/1.2342155.
- Dwyer, Philip G. and Peter McPhee, eds. The French Revolution and Napoleon: A Sourcebook (2002) 235 pp; online Archived 2020-08-20 at the Wayback Machine
- Legg, L.G. Wickham, ed. Select Documents Illustrative of the History of the French Revolution (2 Volumes, 1905) 630 pp vol 1 online free; in French (not translated)
- Levy, Darline Gay, et al. eds. Women in Revolutionary Paris, 1789–1795 (1981) 244 pp excerpt and text search
- Mason, Laura, and Tracey Rizzo, eds. The French Revolution: A Document Collection (1998) 334 pp excerpt and text search
- Stewart, John Hall, ed. A Documentary Survey of the French Revolution (1951), 818 pp
- Thompson, J.M., ed. The French revolution: Documents, 1789–94 (1948), 287 pp
- Халип:Mignet
КъватӀисел регӀелал
[хисизабизе | код хисизабизе]Халип:Wikiquote Халип:Library resources box
- Museum of the French Revolution (French)
- Primary source documents Archived 2008-04-10 at the Wayback Machine from The Internet Modern History Sourcebook.
- Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution, a collaborative site by the Center for History and New Media (George Mason University) and the American Social History Project (City University of New York).
- Vancea, S. The Cahiers de Doleances of 1789, Clio History Journal, 2008.
- French Revolution Digital Archive a collaboration of the Stanford University Libraries and the Bibliothèque nationale de France, containing 12000 digitised images
- The guillotined of the French Revolution factsheets of all the sentenced to death of the French Revolution
- Jean-Baptiste Lingaud papers, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts, University of Pennsylvania. Includes a vast number of name lists and secret surveillance records as well as arrest warrants for aristocrats and their sympathisers. Most notable in this part of the collection are letters and documents from the Revolutionary Committee and the Surveillance Committee.
- French Revolution Pamphlets, Division of Special Collections, University of Alabama Libraries. Over 300 digitised pamphlets, from writers including Robespierre, St. Juste, Desmoulins, and Danton.
- "The French Revolution's Legacy" BBC Radio 4 discussion with Stefan Collini, Anne Janowitz and Andrew Roberts (In Our Time, 14 June 2001)
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