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Халип:Расмияб хъулухъ

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Халип:Infobox official post» гьумералдаса гьанибе буссинабуна)
Халипалъул документация[ралагьи] [хисизаби] [история] [бацӀцӀин]

This template is intended to be used for a variety of official posts. It is not meant only for "political offices" per se, but can also be used for civil service, diplomatic, ecclesiastical, judicial, law enforcement, military and other posts of an official and permanent nature.

Note that the template is intended to be used on articles about the post, rather than the person holding it for the moment. For the infobox for use on articles about the actual person who is holding the office or held it in the past, see: {{Infobox officeholder}}.

{{Расмияб хъулухъ
|пачалихъ                    =
|аслияб                    =
|аслияб_суффикс                    =
|хъулухъ                    =
|миллияб_цІар                    =
|код                    =
|инсигния                    =
|инсигния_роцен                    =
|инсигния_цоги                    =
|инсигния_гъоркьхъвай                    =
|байрахъ                    =
|байрахъ_роцен                    =
|байрахъ_цоги                    =
|байрахъ_сверун                    =
|байрахъ_гъоркьхъвай                    =
|хъулухъалда_гьабсагІат                    =
|сурат                    =
|сурат_роцен                    =
|цоги                    =
|сон                    =
|къо                    =
|моцІ                    =
|департамент                    =
|хІитІаб                    =
|тайпа                    =
|статус                    =
|аббревиатура                    =
|гъорлъ                    =
|хІисаб_кьола                    =
|резиденция                    =
|бакІ                    =
|номинатор                    =
|хъулухъалде_тІамула                    =
|тІами_квалификация                    =
|хъулухъалда_балеб_заман                    =
|аман_квалификация                    =
|докумен                    т=
|цебесеб                    =
|инаугурал                    =
|гІуцІи                    =
|гІуцІарав                    =
|цІаралда_буго                    =
|тІоцевесев                    =
|ахирисев                    =
|хвезаби                    =
|хадусеб                    =
|расмияб_гуреб_цІар                    =
|харж                    =
|вебсайт                    =
|горкьа_бетІер                    =
|гъоркьа                    =
Хъулухъалда гьабсагӀат:

( {{{incumbentsince}}})
ХитӀаб {{{style}}}
Тайпа {{{type}}}
Статус {{{status}}}
Аббревиация {{{abbreviation}}}
ГъорлӀчилъи {{{member_of}}}
ХӀисаб кьей {{{reports_to}}} цебе
Резиденция {{{residence}}}
БакӀ {{{seat}}}
Номинатор {{{nominator}}}
Хъулухъалде тӀами {{{appointer}}}
Заман {{{termlength}}}
Хъулухъалде тӀамиялъул инструмент {{{constituting_instrument}}}
Цебесеб хъулухъ {{{precursor}}}
Инавгуралияв {{{inaugural}}}
Хъулухъ гӀуцӀи {{{formation}}}
ГӀуцӀарав чи {{{founder}}}
ЦӀаралда буго {{{named_for}}}
 • Хъулухъалда тӀоцевесев {{{first}}}
 • Хъулухъалда ахирисев {{{last}}}
Хъулухъ хвезаби {{{abolished}}}
Хадусеб хъулухъ {{{succession}}}
Расмияб гуреб цӀар {{{unofficial_names}}}
Хисунчи {{{deputy}}}
Харж {{{salary}}}
Вебсайт {{{website}}}

All parameters are optional, except for post. It is preferable to have wikilinks to persons, institutions and other items in the template wherever that is possible.

{{Infobox official post
| post                    = 
| body                    = 
| native_name             = 
| insignia                = 
| insigniasize            = 
| insigniacaption         = 
| insigniaalt             =
| flag                    = 
| flagsize                = 
| flagalt                 =
| flagborder              = 
| flagcaption             = 
| image                   = 
| imagesize               = 
| alt                     = 
| imagecaption            =
| incumbent               = 
| acting                  = 
| incumbentsince          = 
| department              = 
| style                   = 
| type                    = 
| status                  = 
| abbreviation            = 
| member_of               = 
| reports_to              = 
| residence               = 
| seat                    = 
| nominator               = 
| appointer               = 
| appointer_qualified     = 
| termlength              = 
| termlength_qualified    = 
| constituting_instrument = 
| precursor               = 
| inaugural               =
| formation               = 
| founder                 =
| named_for               =
| first                   = 
| last                    = 
| abolished               = 
| succession              = 
| unofficial_names        = 
| deputy                  = 
| salary                  = 
| website                 = 
| footnotes               =

{{Infobox official post
| post                    = <!-- Required. No wikilinks here. -->
| body                    = <!-- Optional. -->
| native_name             = <!-- Optional. -->
| insignia                = <!-- An insignia; such as a coat of arms, logo, seal, or other symbol associated with this post, if any. 
                                 Just the image name, no "File:" or "Image:" coding. -->
| insigniasize            = <!-- Example, "150px". 
                                 Default size is 120px. -->
| insigniacaption         = <!-- Short description of the insignia displayed above. -->
| insigniaalt             = <!-- Alt caption. -->
| flag                    = <!-- A flag, positional color, or command sign associated with this post, if any. 
                                 Just the image name, no "File:" or "Image:" coding. -->
| flagsize                = <!-- Example "150px". 
                                 Default size is 120px. -->
| flagborder              = <!-- "yes" to add a border around the flag -->
| flagcaption             = <!-- Short description of the flag etcetera displayed above. -->
| flagalt                 = <!-- Alt caption. -->
| image                   = <!-- Portrait or other image of the current officeholder. 
                                 Just the image name, no "File:" or "Image:" coding. -->
| imagesize               = <!-- Example, "150px" -->
| alt                     = <!-- Alt caption. -->
| imagecaption            = <!-- Optional; will be overwritten if 'incumbent' is used -->
| incumbent               = <!-- Name of the current officeholder -->
| acting = <!-- "y" or "yes" if incumbent is an acting officeholder -->
| incumbentsince = <!-- Date when current officeholder took office -->
| department              = <!-- The organizational entity this official either heads, or is otherwise part of. -->
| style                   = <!-- The recognized manner of address afforded this post. --> 
| type                    = 
| status                  = 
| abbreviation            = <!-- Official abbreviation -->
| member_of               = <!-- Permanent group that the post (not person) is a member of, 
                                 e.g. a cabinet, council, commission, board, junta, politburo etc. -->
| reports_to              = <!-- The immediate superior/supervisor for this post. 
                                 Does not have to be a single one, could be several. -->
| residence               = <!-- Name of official residence, if any. -->
| seat                    = <!-- Location where the office is located. 
                                 If the residence and the workplace are in separate locations, then fill in the workplace here. --> 
| nominator               = <!-- Name of the post/body (not an incumbent person) 
                                 who officially nominates a person to hold this post. -->
| appointer               = <!-- Name of the post/body (not an incumbent person) 
                                 who officially appoints a person to hold this post. -->
| appointer_qualified     = <!-- Space for a qualifying statement. -->
| termlength              = <!-- Optional. -->
| termlength_qualified    = <!-- Space for a qualifying statement. -->
| constituting_instrument = <!-- The official document(s) which provide the formal legal basis for the post. -->
| precursor               = <!-- The immediate predecessor post(s), if any. -->
| inaugural               =
| formation               = <!-- Date when this post was created, or when the first officeholder took office. -->
| founder                 =
| named_for               =
| first                   = <!-- Name of the person who first held this post. --> 
| last                    = <!-- Optional. -->
| abolished               = <!-- Optional. -->
| succession              = <!-- Optional. -->
| unofficial_names        = <!-- Any unofficial/traditional names this post is known by. -->
| deputy                  = <!-- Name of other post(s) with authority to stand-in for this post. -->
| salary                  = <!-- Official paygrade, or actual amount received. -->
| website                 = <!-- Link to the official website, if any. --> 
| footnotes               =

Flag of the European Union
José Manuel Barroso
Хъулухъалда гьабсагӀат:
José Manuel Barroso

( 23 November 2004)
ГъорлӀчилъи European Commission
БакӀ Berlaymont building, Brussels, Belgium
Номинатор European Council
on the basis of the latest European elections
Хъулухъалде тӀами European Parliament
Заман Five years
Хъулухъалде тӀамиялъул инструмент Treaties of the European Union
Инавгуралияв Walter Hallstein
Хъулухъ гӀуцӀи 1 January 1958
Хисунчи Vice-President of the European Commission
Харж €24,422.80 per month
Вебсайт ec.europa.eu/president
{{Infobox official post
| post                    = President
| body                    = the<br />European Commission
| flag                    = Flag of Europe.svg
| flagsize                = 100px
| flagcaption             = [[Flag of Europe|Commission emblem (EU flag)]]
| flagalt                 = Flag of the European Union
| image                   = José Manuel Barroso MEDEF.jpg
| alt                     = José Manuel Barroso
| incumbent               = [[José Manuel Barroso]]
| incumbentsince          = 23 November 2004
| member_of               = [[European Commission]]
| seat                    = [[Berlaymont building]], [[Brussels]], [[Belgium]]
| nominator               = [[European Council]]<br /><small>on the basis of the latest [[Elections in the European Union|European elections]]</small>
| appointer               = [[European Parliament]]
| termlength              = Five years
| constituting_instrument = [[Treaties of the European Union]]
| formation               = 1 January 1958
| inaugural               = [[Walter Hallstein]]
| deputy                  = [[Vice-President of the European Commission]]
| salary                  = €24,422.80 per month
| website                 = [https://ec.europa.eu/archives/commission_2010-2014/president/index_en.htm ec.europa.eu/president]

Secretary of Defense of the United States of America
Department of Defense official seal
Seal of the Department of Defense
Secretary of Defense official flag
Flag of the Secretary of Defense
Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense
Хъулухъалда гьабсагӀат:
Chuck Hagel

( Фебруар 27, 2013 (2013-02-27))
ХитӀаб Mister Secretary
ХӀисаб кьей The President цебе
БакӀ The Pentagon, Arlington County, Virginia
Хъулухъалде тӀами The President
with Senate advice and consent
Заман No fixed term
Хъулухъалде тӀамиялъул инструмент
Цебесеб хъулухъ
Инавгуралияв James Forrestal
Хъулухъ гӀуцӀи September 19, 1947
Хадусеб хъулухъ Sixth
in the presidential line of succession
Хисунчи Deputy Secretary of Defense
(principal deputy)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
(military deputy)
Харж Executive Schedule, level 1
Вебсайт defense.gov
{{Infobox official post
| post                     = Secretary of Defense of the United States of America
| flag                     = Flag of the United States Secretary of Defense.svg
| flagsize                 = 120px
| flagcaption              = Flag of the Secretary of Defense
| flagalt                  = Secretary of Defense official flag
| insignia                 = Seal of the United States Department of Defense (1949–2022).svg
| insigniasize             = 110px
| insigniacaption          = Seal of the Department of Defense
| insigniaalt              = Department of Defense official seal
| incumbentsince           = {{start date|2013|02|27}}
| image                    = Chuck Hagel Defense portrait.jpg
| alt                      = Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense
| incumbent                = [[Chuck Hagel]]
| style                    = ''Mister Secretary''
| member_of                = {{ubl|[[United States Cabinet|Cabinet]]|[[United States National Security Council|National Security Council]]}}
| department               = {{ubl|[[United States Department of Defense|Department of Defense]]|[[Office of the Secretary of Defense|OSD]]}}
| reports_to               = The [[President of the United States|President]]
| seat                     = [[The Pentagon]], [[Arlington County, Virginia|Arlington County]], [[Virginia]]
| appointer                = The [[President of the United States|President]]
| appointer_qualified      = with [[United States Senate|Senate]] [[advice and consent]]
| termlength               = No fixed term
| constituting_instrument  = {{ubl|{{UnitedStatesCode|10|113}}|{{UnitedStatesCode|50|401}}}}
| precursor                = {{ubl|[[United States Secretary of War|Secretary of War]]|and [[United States Secretary of the Navy|Secretary of the Navy]]}}
| formation                = September 19, 1947
| inaugural                = [[James Forrestal]]
| succession               = Sixth<br/><small>in the [[United States presidential line of succession|presidential line of succession]]</small>
| deputy                   = [[United States Deputy Secretary of Defense|Deputy Secretary of Defense]]<br/><small>(principal deputy)</small><br/>[[Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff]]<br/><small>(military deputy)</small>
| salary                   = [[Executive Schedule|Executive Schedule, level 1]]
| website                  = {{URL|https://www.defense.gov/}}

Tracking category

[код хисизабизе]

Халип:Organization infoboxes